by Hilde Roos | Oct 10, 2018 | Events, News
Speech delivered by the Director of AOI, Prof. Stephanus Muller, on 9 October 2018 at the inauguration of the institute and the naming of the AOI premises at 7 Joubert Street as Pieter Okkers-huis.
by Hilde Roos | Aug 7, 2018 | Archive, Composers, News
The death has been announced on 5 August of composer and academic Stanley Glasser. Read about his song cycle, Exile, here. This article was originally published in Art South Africa 9:4, 2011.
by Hilde Roos | May 23, 2018 | News
In the run-up to Africa Day on 25 May 2018, AOI Director Stephanus Muller published the following piece in the Cape Times. Read the article here.
by Henk | Jan 25, 2018 | Archive, Collections, Composers, News
Response delivered at the Graham Newcater concert in the Stellenbosch Art Gallery on 25 January 2018 at, with a film by Aryan Kaganof and piano performance by Mareli Stolp.
by Hilde Roos | May 3, 2017 | Events, Projects
Hierdie artikel is in Stellenbosch Visio (Herfs 2017) gepubliseer. Die Kruiskerk-konsert was die eerste sodanige geleentheid tydens die 2015/16 studenteproteste waartydens musici, digters en skrywers ten bate van die studente opgetree het.