by Henk | Apr 2, 2019 | Events
ifPOP, Hidden Years and FUNGUS invites you to a rare vinyl listening session with selectors Atiyyah Khan and Rob Machiri. We’ve asked Atiyyah and Rob to select records from the Hidden Years Music Archive as a way to open the archive to broader listeners. When:...
by Stephanus Muller | Oct 14, 2018 | Events, News
In remembering residents uprooted from central Stellenbosch because of the Group Areas Act, AOI officially named its offices after the first residents who lived at 7 Joubert Street. Read more here.
by Stephanus Muller | Oct 10, 2018 | Events, News
Speech delivered by the Director of AOI, Prof. Stephanus Muller, on 9 October 2018 at the inauguration of the institute and the naming of the AOI premises at 7 Joubert Street as Pieter Okkers-huis.
by Hilde Roos | Aug 14, 2018 | Composers, Events
Sounding Cities is an interdisciplinary project between composers, artists and performers that links the cities of Johannesburg in South Africa and Birmingham in the UK.
by Henk | Feb 18, 2018 | Archive, Collections, Events
How does one think about classical Western music in 2018 in South Africa? And what place do the creators of such works occupy on the country’s cultural landscape? For me, these questions were prompted during the recent world premiere performances of three new piano...
by Stephanus Muller | May 3, 2017 | Events, Projects
Hierdie artikel is in Stellenbosch Visio (Herfs 2017) gepubliseer. Die Kruiskerk-konsert was die eerste sodanige geleentheid tydens die 2015/16 studenteproteste waartydens musici, digters en skrywers ten bate van die studente opgetree het.